Sustaining Recovery through Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is an ancient process for healing the soul. People seeking this cure had to travel to remote habitations in the desert or other far and away spaces to find the quiet safety of a non-anxious presence to hold the space with them. People in the 21st century struggle with many soul confining captivators like substance abuse, control, codependency, perfectionism, the adrenaline rush and other forms of disconnection with our True Self (the person we were born as).

Recognition of our own soul betrayal and reconciliation with ourselves is a gradual production. Learning to listen to the True Self within instead of the never ending succession of cultural distortions asks us to pay attention with intention. A spiritual director listens for clues to help distinguish between the urging of the True Self and the boisterous, relentless tyranny of our issues.

Bude Van Dyke is an educator, an Episcopal priest with strong connection to the soul space of his Cherokee ancestors, a recovering alcoholic with 30 years of sobriety, a singer/songwriter and loves to work and create with his hands. His fee is $100 per session but will work on a sliding scale with those who need and do the work.


A Frequently Overlooked Aspect of the Spirituality of Recovery